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Village Chores Spurs Degei To Success

“During my primary and secondary school days, I remember my mother waking up before dawn to fish, ensuring we had breakfast even in times when we lacked essentials like salt and sugar,” Mr Degei said.

Rusiate Degei.

The sight of his parents working hard from dawn to dusk daily in their village was a motivating factor for Rusiate Degei to get a good profession.

His parents are villagers of Bemana in Navosa.

They are early birds. His father braves the morning dew and cold to go to the plantation and often returns home tired. His mother goes fishing at 5am.

These spurred Mr Degei to work with unwavering determination.

The efforts undertaken by his parents to provide sustenance for the family.

He was among the 233 intern nurses who completed a four-day induction course, they will now be assigned to various sub-divisional hospitals.

“During my primary and secondary school days, I remember my mother waking up before dawn to fish, ensuring we had breakfast even in times when we lacked essentials like salt and sugar,” Mr Degei said.

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