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‘Letters to the Editor’-Women’s, Children’s Rights

As a caring senior citizen of Nadi, I bring these issues through our Daily Open Columns, to be properly addressed, in good Faith.  

Today we are a united nation of many cultures, religions and ethnicities having a common identity and enjoying equal rights. Photo: Ashna Kumar

As a caring senior citizen of Nadi, I bring these issues through our Daily Open Columns, to be properly addressed, in good Faith.  

As a young student this would be my first-time in writing to the letters to the editor.  

I would like to voice out my opinions and how I see the rights given to women and children because it has been an issue on the world today.  

Currently, going through the daily news and browsing through all the headlines and news in our country and around the world, I can pick out that many of the problems faced in the societies and in the world is that many of the young girls, women and even children are at risk due to lack of justice in the country/community.  

Reading articles and hearing news about these types of issues makes me wonder why we are being so looked down upon or so ill-treated?  

Is it because many believed that women belong to the kitchen or is it the perspective of many that women are only to be doing household chores.  

For me this would be a wrong perspective of people because under the Law we are all equal and everyone has their own rights.  

If only women’s voices could be heard and the word violence was not in the dictionary, children would be loved and all be treated fairly and just, maybe this might help a lot.  

But above all, may God be in all of these because only God has the solution in every problem. 

Story By: Lilian Tawake 

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