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‘Letters To The Editor’: Children abused

The minister has asked the churches to sharpen their take on child abuse and help find a solution. Will the churches respond? I am skeptical about it.

Lynda Tabuya, the Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection has once again raised the issue of child abuse.

This time the abuse of children in Christian homes. This is shocking.

The minister has asked the churches to sharpen their take on child abuse and help find a solution. Will the churches respond? I am skeptical about it.

The street children are too scared to go back home for fear of further abuse.

Keeping in mind the traditional pattern of behaviour we expect parents to show. I think we all are familiar with this pattern.

Thus to expect some solution from homes is delusional.

Most of these homes are strapped in poverty and the parents indulging in alcohol, grog or drug abuse.

Thus these homes are unsuited for child rehabilitation.

I am of the opinion that the Government must build homes for the needy children and house them there and provide skills training.

Once equipped with skills these children will be able to earn a respectable living by honest living.

Yes, here the churches can help by providing spiritual support, counselling and mentoring.

Home visits by the church fraternity will also help. I can only wish the minister every success in her attempt to find a solution to the issue of street children.

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