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Emergency Measures for Asian Subterranean Termites

“Storing these operate as a ladder for AST to gain entry to your house. Keep garden beds away from your house. Be vigilant. Report any signs of swarms or termite damage to BAF,” he said. 

Mud trails on wood a result of termites feeding.

Do not store wood, old furniture, building materials and paper products against dwellings, Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF) chief executive officer, Mick Bartlett warned.

The warning followed the first reported case of Asian subterranean termites (AST) in the Central Division.

“Storing these operate as a ladder for AST to gain entry to your house. Keep garden beds away from your house. Be vigilant. Report any signs of swarms or termite damage to BAF,” he said.

As an interim measure, emergency measures implemented in four other localities could be extended to the Central Division as a result of the most recent discovery, Mr Bartlett said.

Restrictions are in place against the movement of materials that could host AST in the West and North, he said.

Breach of such guidelines are punishable by fines, Mr Bartlett said.

“It is imperative that people do not transport wood, soil, plant materials or any cellulose-based material,” he said.

“Asian subterranean termites do not spread far on its own.”

An awareness campaign is ongoing with information brochures distributed in the community, in the media, and online.

Termite infestation was largely reported in Lautoka, Nadi, Ba and Labasa.

Cost of damage 

BAF has no line of sight into the cost of damage, Mr Bartlett said.

“Lautoka City Council and other government entities are working on cost of damage as part of the AST taskforce, instituted in March,” he said.

“BAF only responds to reports of incursions or those that become evident during surveillance.

The reported incursions do not indicate the real size of the issue as many go unreported.”

In the Central Division, unreported cases were noted in Lami, Valelevu and Nabua. AST infestation in the Central Division date back four decades.

In Nakasi, where the first reported case emerged, families continue to occupy the infested homes.

Mr Bartlett said a full specialised team – including officers from the West – was deployed, to conduct surveillance and treatment of the Nakasi area.

The Central Division specialized team is based out of the authority’s Nausori office.

“Residents need to cooperate with these officers to ascertain if there are any other colonies present in the area,” Mr Bartlett said.

“The officers are fully equipped with the need technology, chemicals and training.

“Residents should not spray AST with household fly sprays as this will just push the AST into other areas.

“Contact BAF for treatment and follow up treatments.”

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