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Editorial: PM can no longer be hoodwinked

Honesty, fairness, integrity, intelligence, articulation, and a great advocate for rights of all and articulate will be among the Attorney-General’s stronger suits. 

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka at the Agriculture Show in Suva on October 25, 2023. Photo: Asenaca Ratu

The stakes are high for the next Attorney-General, who must be carefully but swiftly selected from the limited and modest few that are around.

Fiji’s next Attorney-General will define just how good Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is if he appoints the perfect fit.

For one thing, the next Attorney-General must understand public sentiment and know all the people, not just one ethnic group or gender.

He/She must know how the 2013 Constitution can be reviewed, changed and is able to do what’s needed to amend or alter it lawfully, with the blessings of the public and Republic of Fiji Military Forces.

Honesty, fairness, integrity, intelligence, articulation, and a great advocate for rights of all and articulate will be among the Attorney-General’s stronger suits.

He/she must be prepared to provide unbiased legal advice, which at times may not necessarily be what Mr Rabuka wants to hear.

Being a warhorse at this game, Mr Rabuka can no longer be hoodwinked.

The A-G must be above rubies, biblically speaking, and cannot blame the law or politics for legal impediments.

The Attorney-General must know constitutional principles and theory – how constitutions are made, drafted, interpreted and amended/altered.

It is imperative that the incumbent understands how judicial decisions are made in constitutional cases, especially in Fiji.

Whoever the next A-G is, he or she must understand Fiji’s constitutional law from the Deed of Cession to 2013 Constitution, without bias or favour for any of Fiji’s constitutional documents.

The difference between politics and law also comes into play, as the role of the A-G includes separation of powers between the judicial, legislative and executive arms of government, which extends to administrative law principles.

The role requires one who emphasises procedural impropriety and reasonableness in decision- making at all levels, including at executive, especially Cabinet level, and relevant presidential powers.

This is of particular importance after a puzzling turn of events yesterday where Mr Rabuka’s Cabinet reshuffle was unshuffled just two weeks later.

Such mickey mouse display between him and his Cabinet minister Aseri Radrodro, on the matter of reshuffle, threatens the very stability of the country.

It speaks to the gnawing gap of lack of confidence in the grand scheme of things.

Mr Rabuka can no longer act on his own free will to make such judgement calls, because of its adverse impact on Fijians, and investors.

He needs to get his act together, and called to account for the taxpayers’ money he lives off.

God forbid we reach the scenario where the constitutional provision is dragged up for one who has lost the plot.

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