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Tui Labasa Says GCC Members Should Be Apolitical, Open Minded

“Currently the iTaukei Affairs Act can be changed or repealed by just a one vote majority,” Ratu Jone said. 

Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) members should not only uphold iTaukei land rights, customs and culture, but be open minded and have empathy for other ethnic groups without stereotyping them.

“Because we have all contributed in building this nation,” said Tui Labasa Ratu Jone Qomate.

He will be making a submission to the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs on the review of the GCC public consultation, which ends on July 31.

He said the GCC was the correct forum for iTaukei to voice their concerns.

He suggested stronger guardrails should be enacted to protect iTaukei lands and institutions through consultation and referendum.

“Currently the iTaukei Affairs Act can be changed or repealed by just a one vote majority,” Ratu Jone said.

“This makes it easy for like minded governments that have ulterior motives and to do damage to iTaukei land ownership rights.”

He said how the organisation should exist or operate today was the pertinent question?

“I do hope the consultation team will have the solution after this exercise bearing in mind our collective history on how the GCC was politically influenced and manipulated,” he said.

“GCC members should also be apolitical.”

He suggested that if someone was a GCC member and wanted to be a member of a political party and run for political office, they should resign their membership.

“Education and knowledge are vital for chiefs but wisdom (yalo matua) is just as important,” he said.

“The Bible teaches that fear of the Lord is the path to wisdom and understanding.”

Story by: Shratika Naidu – [email protected]