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Tourism Fiji Injected With $30m Boost

The tourism sector could drive Fiji’s economic growth once the $30million funding by Govern­ment is approved.

The Government’s marketing agency, Tourism Fiji, will operate on a $7m grant in the new financial year.

The tourism sector could drive Fiji’s economic growth once the $30million funding by Govern­ment is approved.

The Government’s marketing agency, Tourism Fiji, will operate on a $7m grant in the new finan­cial year.

Minister for Finance Biman Prasad said the allocation in the 2023-2024 National Budget would support new marketing strate­gies. Tourism Fiji chief executive officer, Brent Hill, said it would create employment opportunities.

“The allocated budget will en­able us to continue marketing Fiji in our key markets, ensuring we maintain our position in the face of tightening competition,” he said.

He said it would maintain a strong and positive momentum that Fiji would achieve. Mr Hill said the agency would work closely with the Government and stakeholders to capitalise on the immense potential of Fiji’s tour­ism sector.

“We appreciate the Govern­ment’s inclusion of Tourism Fiji in the budget consultation process, valuing our input and acknowledging the pivotal role played by the tourism industry,” he said.

“Tourism in Fiji is expanding, and we are pleased to see that the government recognises the value of this investment.”

Story By: Josefa Babitu

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