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PYSCO DRAMA TAKES UGLY TWIST: As a source close to Natas' tell us Kuruleca is yet to pay $70,000 she promised after the accident, now she is accused of running away with the husband of domestic abuse VICTIM

LET US CALL HIM, GP: Sources close to Kuruleca claim to Fijileaks that a couple were assigned to her for marriage counselling after the violent husband had beaten his wife so badly that she nearly lost both her eyes.
​*As Kuruleca's CV claims, she is a specialist in Marriage Family Therapy. However, in 2016, the domestic abuse victim walked in and found her abusive husband and Kuruleca in a compromising position.
*The victim is currently undergoing mental treatment while Mr GP, according to Kuruleca's neighbours, is reportedly staying with Kuruleca.
*If the narrative is true, did Kuruleca breach the psychotherapist-patient code of ethics, and if found guilty, must be STRUCK OFF?
*Where is the Fiji Womens Rights Movement and other so-called gender equality and domestic violence campaigners who are in the forefront of championing Kuruleca's selection for PS Education?
​*We are yet to get a response from Kuruleca on GP and the $70,000.
*Coming Up: How PSC bumped her up on the top list of candidates for the PS Education position when the CEO of Fiji Consumer Council Seema Shandil had topped the list. 
*To make way for her after meddling from Sitiveni Rabuka and his cohorts, Shandil was moved sideways for consideration for the post of PS Employment, only for NFP Employment Minister AGNI DEO to reject Seema Shandil. 
*Section 131 must be read to these CONNIVING SCOUNDRELS, and it does not have to be Aunty's timid RFMF Commander KALOUNIWAI.
​His recent pronouncements have given Coalition the green light to run roughshod over the Constitution, and p*ss all over the Fijians.
The Minister for Education is constitutionally entitled to examine the interview reports for it directly affects and could impact his Ministry.
