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‘Please Do Not Forget Bau’

Representatives from the 13 provinces and Rotuma presented their expressions of gratitude to the vanua of Kubuna for hosting the historical gathering. 

Na Turaga Bale na Vunivalu, na Tui Kaba, Ratu Epenisa Cakobau on May 25, 2023. Photo: Leon Lord

In a heartfelt display of gratitude and unity, the vanua of Kubuna witnessed the traditional ceremonies of solevu and itatau, yesterday.

The events marked the conclusion of the weeklong Great Council of Chiefs meeting on the island of Bau.

The Turaga Bale na Vunivalu na Tui Kaba, Ratu Epenisa Cakobau, was moved as he received the traditional offerings.

Representatives from the 13 provinces and Rotuma presented their expressions of gratitude to the vanua of Kubuna for hosting the historical gathering.

The solevu, a customary gesture of gratitude acknowledged the vanua’s generosity and warm reception extended throughout the week.

The offerings included tabua (whale’s tooth), root crops, pigs, mats, and more.

Ratu Epenisa, while receiving the kamunaga, requested the chiefs to remember Bau.

He said the doors were always open, urging everyone to stand together and look out for one another.

The kamunaga was presented by Ratu Kinijoji Vitukawalu from the vanua of Korolevu in Serua.

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