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Mazey Is FRU Interim Chairman, Tuitoga Is Legal Advisor

Peter Mazey is now the inter­im chairman of the board of trustees for the Fiji Rugby Union (FRU).

Legal Advisor Fiji Rugby Union interim trustees chairman Peter Mazey (center), with trustees Alipate Naiorosui and Mosese Naivalu following their second meeting at FRU house on May 19, 2023. Photo: Ronald Kumar

Peter Mazey is now the inter­im chairman of the board of trustees for the Fiji Rugby Union (FRU).

Mr Mazey was elected on Wednes­day by FRU trustees.

Earlier this month, Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga appointed Peter Mazey, Jenny Seeto, Alipate Naiorosui, Sikeli Tuinamuana, and Mosese Naivalu to be trustees.

On Wednesday, the trustees also appointed an independent lawyer, Tomasi Tuitoga.

Mr Mazey said that their role as trustees was solely about protect­ing the assets of FRU.

Mr Mazey highlighted that they are hoping to appoint a new chair­man at the end of December.

“I’m only chairman to run the meetings, we will be appointing a new chairman as soon as every­thing is in order,” Mr Mazey said.

“We hope to do that at the end of December.”

When asked about what the trus­tees were doing to deal with nega­tive social media feedback, he said the trustees were appointed to look at the situation that may have pro­moted a bad image of FRU, review the issue, and then eventually solve them through exploring mitigation measures.

He added that this could only be achieved when they have a conver­sation about it with stakeholders and the public.

Mr Mazey has confidence in his team of trustees to execute tasks that would benefit FRU.

Union Visit

Ensuring that grassroots rugby unions are well looked after during their tenure.

Next week the interim board will be going out to rugby unions to lis­ten to firsthand issues that are all too common will be their priority.

Mr Mazey said during their first round of visitation, they found out the common complaint from un­ions was about the cancellation of the annual general meeting.

“Yet rugby house and the in-house lawyer here had advised every union in the country that they couldn’t vote,” Mr Mazey said.

“How can you have a union whose members can’t vote in? So, question number one, we want to go talk to the unions about why you did not comply, why you were refusing to vote.

“They must have a reason for not paying the annual fee or whatever it was that caused it.”

He said many may recall that re­cently, many of the unions were calling for the entire board to be removed.

“So we want to go out to the un­ions and ask why this is happening, and put in place a constitution and articles of association of the com­pany so it’s good for everybody,” Mr Mazey said.

   Story By:  Jone Salusalu

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