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Lifer Finds Artistic Talent

Isoa Codrokadroka, 39, had a talent he never knew existed until he landed himself within the walls of a Fiji Corrections Ser­vice (FCS) facility.

Corrections Service Resident artist- Isoa Codrokadroka showing one of his art pieces. Photo: Ronald Kumar

Isoa Codrokadroka, 39, had a talent he never knew existed until he landed himself within the walls of a Fiji Corrections Ser­vice (FCS) facility.

The artist embarked on a remark­able journey of self-discovery and artistic expression while serving time in prison.

The Dakuivuna Village, Wain­ibula, Tailevu native with mater­nal links to Matuku, Lau, thanked the FCS for its yellow ribbon cam­paign which gave inmates a sec­ond chance at life.

During his incarceration that Mr Codrokadroka began to learn the art of painting.

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Story by:   [email protected]