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‘Letters to the Editor’: Littering

There are other disadvantages, but it’s simply an eyesore to see scattered rubbish around the country.

Littering not only provides a bad image, it is a threat to the environment, it causes flooding, due to blocked waterways and is a health hazard.

Even if we don’t litter, have we ever stopped to ask ourselves why littering is bad?

Other than just being unsightly, litter has serious consequences for the environment and our community.

It endangers our environment, wildlife, and economy. It pollutes our neighborhoods, can reduce property values, and destroys our city’s and country’s natural beauty.

In addition to water and land pollution, litter also pollutes the air.

Littering along the Nausori Town corridor.

Researchers estimate that more than 40 per cent of the world’s litter is burned in the open air (a common practice in Fiji), which can release toxic emissions.

There are other disadvantages, but it’s simply an eyesore to see scattered rubbish around the country.

So, beloved Fijians, why don’t we all become trash heroes and be practical about putting our rubbish in bins.

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