Fiji the Fiji Islands
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‘Letters to the Editor’: Children and Negligence

According to recent interactions, some are young street dwellers while the rest are just neglected by parents. These kids are as young as eight years old.

With respect to a news article titled ‘Police warn parents’ on August 13, 2023, it was reported that children were left unattended in cars while waiting on parents who were in nightclubs.

This isn’t the only worrying issue; there are other children left unattended to on our streets at night.

According to recent interactions, some are young street dwellers while the rest are just neglected by parents. These kids are as young as eight years old.

This is concerning as their numbers tend to rise daily. This sight is usually familiar during the weekends, where you witness just how negligent parents are in violating children’s rights, to be cared for and protected.

Source: Fiji Police Media

Monitoring these children at home and on the streets should be a top priority for parents and police officers.

Parents should be more engaged with their children. Such negligence from parents is a violation to children’s rights and exposing them to unnecessary risks.

Considering the situation, I implore the relevant authorities and Government to address the issue as a matter of national priority.

Unless and until each person is aware of what is taking place, the law alone will not be sufficient to curb the social stigma.

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