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Let’s Go Local: Yasawa a Dream Holiday for Chef Tabaka

“It’s so satisfying to cook for our customers and make them what they want”, he said. 

Octopus Resort in the Yasawa Island. Inset: Jim Tabaka

Meet Jim Tabaka, a chef at Pizza King and Wishbone at Suva’s Dolphin Plaza Foodcourt.

Originally from Lovu, Gau, Mr Tabaka has personal goals and dreams of his own, but none more important than providing for his parents.

Mr Tabaka starts his day at 6am, opening the restaurant and cooking breakfast for customers, many of whom work in nearby government institutions and Suva’s business district.

“It’s so satisfying to cook for our customers and make them what they want”, he said.

“At the end of the day, they always tell me ‘You’re the best’.”

The 30-year-old said all his hard work was worthwhile because it ultimately helped his parents.

“The money I earn goes back to the village,” he said.

“My goal is to make my family happy because it makes me happy.”

SunBiz sat down with Mr Tabaka to learn about his life, day job, as well as his top destinations in Fiji.

What Do You Enjoy About Your Job As A Chef? 

The best part is seeing the joy on my customers’ faces when you’ve made something amazing for them.

Where Would You Take Your Parents For A Holiday In Fiji? 

I would love to take my parents to a hotel or to visit Yasawa.

Yasawa Island 

What Do You Recommend From Your Restaurant’s Menu? 

I would recommend the grilled fish with hot and spicy sauce.

What Has Been Your Favourite Travel Experience In Fiji? 

I’ve travelled to Levuka for the first time. It was amazing, to visit the historical sites there. I’ve lived in Fiji my whole life, but visiting Levuka was like going overseas.

Levuka Town, Ovalau.

What Are Your Top Bucket List Destinations In Fiji? 

I want to go to Yasawa, my dream holiday destination. I’ve seen it online and it’s beautiful.

Sawa-i-Lau caves in the Yasawas

What Makes Fiji Such An Attractive Travel Destination? 

The people. When tourists leave, they want to come back because of us.

Fijians entertain tourists, Fijians greet tourists with songs, Some staff of a Fijian resort.

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