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Let’s Get Boxing Back On Track

Ex-amateur boxing star believes drastic changes must take shape if professional boxing is to thrive in Fiji

For the many that don’t know me, I’ve been involved with boxing for the past 46 years; the last 12 years have been devoted to professional boxing.

I started with amateur boxing in the mid-1970s. I had my last bout in 1984, and since then, I have been helping in the administration side of things.

My boxing record (amateur) was 54 wins and 8 losses. I fought in the welterweight division and had the honour of representing my country, several times.

However, since I was a civil servant, I was unable to become a professional boxer.

At the moment, along with Seru Whippy, we’re the longest surviving technical officials of the Fiji Amateur Boxing Association (FABA).

That is, as a certified referee and judge, with AIBA and a certified technical official in professional boxing.

I was fortunate that during my sporting years I was involved with the pioneers of amateur boxing in the country, like the late Harry Charman, Commander Stan Brown, Hector Hatch, Abraham Thomas, Arthur Jennings, Isimeli Cerelala, Brigadier Pita Driti and Major Sam (Samisoni) Kafoa, who died in 2015.

I worked with the late Malakai Veisamasama and Sakaraia Tuva, when they were chairman of the Boxing Commission of Fiji (BCF).

From 2012 to 2015, we assisted Major Kafoa in the running of professional and amateur boxing in the country, along with Marika Yalimaiwai.

Veisamasama replaced Major Kafoa before Mataiasi Bulutani came in to lead BCF. This was before Subhash Appana, the current chair took over.

When comparing the two codes, amateur boxing in Fiji is far ahead in terms of administration.

The FABA technical officials are internationally certified. They have 12 certified referee and judges who are also assisting the professional code. This is reflected in how well the amateur boxing programmes are organised.

This could not be said about the standard of professional boxing promotions being staged nationwide.

Only recently, the FMF Fiji Boxing Series, with the involvement of Tuwai Investments PTE Limited in Suva, was one of the best organised boxing promotion Fiji has ever seen.

I believe that drastic changes must be done if professional boxing in Fiji is to thrive.

So far, there are too many dramas happening on Facebook, which does not augur well for the sport.

Then, infringements are happening continuously, and it is tarnishing the image of the sport. This is from promoters and boxers who continuously do not comply with the BCF rules.

The BCF board of directors need to be strong and make bold decisions to keep everyone in line.

And for that, I urge the Minister for Youth of Sports to review the current Boxing Promulgation.

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By: Setoki Mafi

Feedback: [email protected]