Fiji the Fiji Islands
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GREAT COUNCIL OF CHIEFS. Exclusion of non i-Taukei on GGC Review Team (with inclusion of known chiefly sympathiser Graham Leung) will produce a lop-sided REPORT, with GCC becoming an Albatross on Fiji

STRAIGHT TALK: Our Founding Editor-in-Chief has never shied away in the last four decades from holding the Great Council of Chiefs to account, for many ordinary i-Taukei commoners are caught between Chiefocracy, Democracy, and Tradition. 
*While there are rumblings in Cakaudrove that the chiefly Father-Son are lording it up in Parliament at the expense of their subjects, many in Namosi are claiming that their CHIEF Ratu Suliano Matanitobua brought disgrace to the PROVINCE by entering Politics and Parliament. 
*We found a calendar from 1940 where Namosi was selected as the perfect Colonial POSTER VILLAGE.
*Today, its reputation lies in ruins, with the province declining to participate in the upcoming GCC meeting, and its paramount chief behind the prison bars, all because he wanted to be Chief and Politician.
*Matanitobua was charged with falsely stating that his permanent place of residence was in Namosi Village, Namosi and obtained $38,378.22 between August 2019 and April 2020.
