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'GOOD MORNING CLASS, I AM SELINA KURULECA, YOUR NEW PS FOR EDUCATION '. As Kuruleca takes up her controversial position, one PSC Commissioner and failed PAP candidate stands accused of financial lies

Fijileaks: We call on the Commander of the RFMF Ro Jone Kalouniwai to invoke S131 of the Constitution of Fiji and launch an immediate probe into the financial declarations of failed PAP candidate and the PSC Commissioner MERESEINI BALEILEVUKA, who interviewed and approved the appointment of SELINA KURULECA as new PS Education.
*Kuruleca must be prevented from entering the Education Ministry and the military must raid and confiscate Baleilevuka's asset and income declarations file from PAP office and the Fiji Elections Office.
*The acting Supervisor of Elections ANA SALAIVALU MATAICIWA must also be removed from her position, for she is now a 'Coalition government 'woodpecker SPY' in the FEO, reporting on those who have gone on our behalf to inspect the asset and income declarations.
*How can Kuruleca be appointed by one of the PSC Commissioners who stands accused of lying about her finances?
*Did the Coalition carry out a thorough check before she was appointed, for we had alerted them with evidence before her appointment?


Dishonest declaration by failed PAP candidate and Public Service Commissioner Mereseini Baleilevuka

*In December 2022 we were tipped off that one of the PAP election candidates MERESEINI BALEILEVUKA and her daughter had allegedly swindled $170,000 compensation payment from a Japanese family while Mereseini was employed by the Free Bird Institute in Fiji and Japan for more than ten years.

*When the nominations closed and the asset and income declarations were filed by all parties on behalf of their candidates, we suggested to the Free Bird Institute to go to the Fiji Elections Office and inspect Mereseini Baleilevuka's financial declarations.

*We may recall that following our revelations of the party donors, the Minister for Elections, Attorney-General and Minister for Everything else AIYAZ KHAIYUM had two weeks before the 2022 elections, quietly changed the rules, and the general public could no longer take photos or obtain copies of asset and income declarations. One could only inspect but take no documentary evidence.

*Our source duly obliged and visited the FEO and examined Mereseini Baleilevuka's asset and income declarations filed by the PAP general secretary.

*The SOURCE was shocked to discover that Mereseini Baleilevuka had only declared an annual income of $5000 as her private business.

*She did not declare her allowance income from Japan, her salary income from Fiji, money she had received as dividend. In other words, she allegedly didn't declare $80,000 to the then Superviser of Elections Mohammed Saneem.

*Mereseini Baleilevuka was terminated from Free Bird Institute at the end of June. She had been receiving her board allowances from both companies but Free Bird Institute company's accountant stated that she never asked the accountant to prepare her income and tax certificate.

*As has been a long established practice of Fijileaks, we requested Free Bird Institute to provide us evidence to back up their claims.

*In late December, I wrote to Sitiveni Rabuka, and copied the email with evidentiary documents to Biman Prasad, Pio Tikoduadua, Lenora Qereqeretabua, Bill Gavoka, and other senior Coalition government ministers.
*On 12 January, I once again wrote to MANOA KAMIKAMICA but none responded to me or opened an investigation into the claims. We were shocked to learn that Mereseini Baleilevuka had been appointed one of the FIVE PSC Commissioners.
*She interviewed and approved Selina Kuruleca as new PS Education.
Fijileaks Founding Editor-in-Chief to Information Minister KAMIKAMICA

Bula Saka
"I have nothing against Mereseini, but we can't do what we have accused the old lot of engaging in for 16 years. All you do is check her assets declaration at the FEO, and possibly you have a copy at PAP. She claimed $5,000 income, but documents on me tell a very different story.
Our job has always been to hold power to account. 
You know for 16 years, I was one of the few lonely voices through Fijileaks who exposed and tried to hold the former crooks to account. Could you check her declaration with the two attachments - she lied about her income."​


Minister for Home Affairs Pio Tikoduadua with Police officers at the Namaka Police Station in Nadi on March 3, 2023.


to the Namaka Police but to date they have not followed up the CASE

1.     Car accident happened on 31st July 2017.
2. Two FBI (Freebird Institute) students (Mother & Daughter) were involved.
3.     The mother (Sorami Naiki) was killed. {Appendix 1}
4.     The daughter (Ao Naiki) got serious disability. {Appendix 2}
5.     FBI spent approximately FJD$226,338 for Ao and Sorami including a special charter flight to Japan from Fiji, there is other costs that incurred which are not accounted for as of now. {Appendix 3}
6.     The former principal of Free Bird Institute (Mereseini Baleilevuka) has a daughter (Unaisi Baleilevuka).
7.     Unaisi had just started her lawfirm (Baleilevuka & Associates).
8.  Unaisi was looking for job.
9.     Mereseini wanted FBI to assign Unaisi for this case as she was the Chief Operations Officer and it was her task to look into these matters of the company and she was the principal of the deceased and all our students. {Appendix 4 – Contract}
10.  Mereseini explained to the Management team in the meeting that:
                 A. Lawyer in Fiji was very expensive.
B. It was cheaper to assign her daughter.
                 C. The case was simple. Unaisi could handle it.
D. Because Mereseini could supervise Unaisi.
                    E. CEO was in Japan for his _________ treatment.
11.  In the meeting with SPFB (Japan based parent company), it was decided for FBI assign Unaisi on 25th August 2017.
12.  SPFB appointed Mereseini as a supervisor for this issue.
13.  This is our communication channel SPFB and FBI had sat. {Appendix 4 – Company Communication Channel}
A. Mereseini Baleilevuka,  Supervisor & FBI Staff responsible for the case
B. Losalini Tagiteci,  Power of Attorney
C. Unaisi Baleilevuka        Lawyer in Fiji
D. Miho Miyamura          Communicator to Victim`s lawyer in Japan
E. Tomohiko Inagaki         Plaintiffs Lawyer in Japan
F. Shigemi Naiki            Plaintiffs Guardian (Grandmother)
G. Ao Naiki                Plaintiff (Daughter)
H. Sorami Naiki             Plaintiff (Mother Passed in the car accident)
14.  Altogether, FBI paid $50,000 to Unaisi with Mereseini`s instructions 29th August 2017. (CEO had approved the assignment, but did not know how much FBI had paid to Unaisi as Mereseini was given the right to take care of the company operations and handle matters. {Appendix 5}
15.  But it was unbelievably high for this simple case. (FBI found this out recently).
16.  The victim family (Grandmother Shigemi Naiki) couldn’t be in Fiji. (She is too old, she couldn’t speak English, Her Financial situation doesn’t allow) for the court case. Then FBI paid the lawyer fee instead of the victim.
17.  The victim family appointed Losalini Tagiteci as the Power of Attorney. (Our former HR Manager) {Appendix 6}
18.  Because Mereseini strongly recommended Losalini. (CEO had been very sick)
19.  The case had started in Lautoka High Court (Civil Action No.246 of 2017)
20.  It took longer than FBI thought. But Mereseini always explained that it takes long, although she had stated it was a simple case, in the beginning.
21.  And Unaisi hardly shared what was going. She didn’t give us any written document except the engagement letter.
22.  Because only Mereseini had information about the case. (FBI found out we hadn’t received any written document from Unaisi, after Mereseini termination on 25th June 2022) {Appendix 7}
23.  Mereseini was terminated by FBI management, because of her low attendance. {Appendix 8}
24.  Losalini resigned after Mereseini was terminated. {Appendix 8}
25.  Unbelievably, Losalini left Fiji to America within 5 days after the resignation on 15th August 2022.
26.  The case from 2017, according to Mereseini and Unaisi, was still on-going even in 2022, for almost 5 years.
27.  Unaisi & Mereseini had been explaining that it takes a long time because of covid.
28.  After FBI terminated Mereseini, Unaisi was asked to hand over the case to new the lawyer due to conflict of interest.
29.  Unaisi denied and kept informing FBI & SPFB that there is a court hearing on 3rd September 2022 and even sometime in October 2022. {Appendix 9}
30.  But it was not true as there was no mention of this case on the court listing. FBI found out that 3rd September 2022 was a Saturday, where no cases are called. {Appendix 9}
31.  The compensation of FJD $170,000 was settled on 5th April, 2019 based on the email correspondence between Dominion Insurance (Capital Insurance) & Unaisi. {Appendix 9}
32.  Dominion Insurance shared document with POA Losalini`s sign for payment.
33.  Mereseini was on the position to supervise Unaisi & Losalini.
34.  Mereseini had to be consulted by the victim family.
35.  But this agreement of $170,000 was solely decided by Unaisi without any consultation to the victim`s family.
36.  This amount is unbelievably low for a grandmother who is looking after the physically disabled child in Japan for 5 years as the preliminary cost of the accident has been FJD$226,338{Appendix 3}
37.  The daughter (Ao Naiki) has no chance of recovering from her disability (Attached to the lower body) due to the accident. {Appendix 2}
38.  Till now, Unaisi hasn’t reported to the victim, SPFB or FBI that she had received the compensation.
39.  Unaisi has been trying to pretend the case was going on in 2022 when this was settled on 5th April, 2019. {Appendix 9}
40.  8th December 2022, HFC (where Unaisi has her trust account) has confirmed $170,000 was deposited on 12th April 2019. {HFC has shared document with Police on 12/12/22}
41.  HFC has confirmed $170,000 was removed to somewhere else with Unaisi`s cash cheques. {HFC has shared document with Police on 12/12/22}
42.  No money was paid to the victim, although the payout was made three and a half years ago.
43.  FBI has reported this matter to the Namaka Police Station on 30th November 2022, again on 8th December 2022.


* Professional experience and skills Consultant to UNDP – Fiji Police Force Justice Program, Comic Book Development Dec 2022 – April 2023
* Consultant to Oversee the Creation, Adaption and Recording of MhGap Training Videos, WHO Pacific Office, Suva Feb 2021 – June 2021
* WHO Consultant providing MHPSS Support to the Fiji Ministry of Health & Medical Services (MHMS) COVID19 response, WHO Pacific Office, Suva June 2021 – Dec 2021
* Consultant to IFAD: Preparatory Study for IFAD Country Strategy Note in Fiji: Social Environment * Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP), Working remotely from Suva June 2021 – Sept 2021 
* National consultant to support MEHA NSAAC to develop training module and approach for mental health and psychosocial support and conduct the Training of the Trainers, UNICEF Pacific Office, Suva Nov 2020 – June 2021
* Counselling System Standards Development Consultant, The Facility Sept 2020 – December 2020
* Mental Health Consultant and Advisor – Fiji COVID 19 Response March 2020 - Current Various Regional Organizations (APTC, Clay Energy, Fiji UN Safety and Protection Cluster, ADRA, GIZ, FNPF)
* The Fiji Program support Facility (The Facility), Child Protection Specialist January 2020 – June 2020
* World Health Organisation (WHO), Health Promoting School (HPS), Mental Health and Well being (MHW) Consultant March 2018 – June 2020
* MHPSS Consultant and Specialist Initial Sectoral Damage Assessment, TC Gita - Feb 2018
* Consultant Fiji Red Cross Society on Mental Health and Psycho Social support in Emergency situations/ Psychological First Aid/Gender and Emergencies Feb 2013
*Consultant United National Population Fund (UNFPA) on Mental Health and Psycho Social Support (MHPSS) in Emergency situations April 2012 – Sept 2012
* Consultant Empower Pacific Oct 2012 – May 2013 
Training and Productivity Authority of Fiji (TPAF) Chief Trainer & Facilitator May 2005 – March 2010
Chief Trainer & Facilitator in various trainings and workshops: National and regional level May 2005 - current
* Consultant, Fiji Ministry of Health July 2006 - Dec 2009; April 2017 – July 2018
* Under 21 Fiji Netball National Manager to U21 WORLD CUP Sept 2008 - Sept 2009
* Lincoln Child Centre, Oakland, CA August 2001 - June 2002 
* President Fiji Association of Social Workers (FASW) Nov 2004 – March 2012
* Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) Mediation Committee Nov 2006 – Dec 2006 • Appointed by and to the Fiji Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) Mediation Committee as an expert mediator between the elected government led by MR Laisenia Qarase and the Commander of the Fiji Military Forces Cmdre Voreqe Bainimarama
* National Committee on the Prevention of Suicide (NCOPS) March 2004 - Present
* Kuruleca Consultants, Suva, FIJI April 2003 - Present
* University of the South Pacific, Suva, FIJI July 2004 – December 2006
Academic Staff, Department of Education and Psychology
• Prepared course teaching material • Facilitated understanding of Psychology theories • Guided pupils through the basic counselling skills in lieu of various Psychology Theories • Provided professional academic support for on-campus and distant and flexible learning students 
University of the South Pacific, Suva, FIJI July 2003 – July 2004
* Tutor/Marker - Department of Education and Psychology • Providing clinical experience for students enrolled in the program • Facilitate recognition of maladaptive patterns of thoughts and behaviour • Addressing client needs as they arise • In partnership with the course coordinator guide pupils through the basic counselling skills in lieu of various Psychology Theories • Providing professional academic support in distant and flexible learning
* Marist Brothers High School, Suva, FIJI August 1997 - Dec. 1999
Geography and History High School Teacher •
​Fulfilled the requirements of the Ministry of Education's curriculum objectives. Themes taught to pupils include: Tourism in Fiji and Hawaii, Natural Hazards in Fiji and Monsoon Asia, Cultural Interaction in Fiji and South Africa, Economic development in Fiji and Japan • Actively participated in school organized extra-curricular activities • Staff support for the annual school magazine • School senior students discipline committee member​
