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Four Million Dollars For Optic Fibre Cable Roll Out

Infrastructure development for internet connectivity in the North rolled out this week, with a groundbreaking ceremony officiated by Deputy Prime Minis­ter and Minister for Trade, Manoa Kamikamica.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade Manoa Kamikamica with delegates during the groundbreaking ceremony for TFL’s civil work and laying of telecom optic fibre cables in Vanua Levu.

Infrastructure development for internet connectivity in the North rolled out this week, with a groundbreaking ceremony officiated by Deputy Prime Minis­ter and Minister for Trade, Manoa Kamikamica.

The project is the first phase of a five year optic fibre extension pro­ject by Telecom Fiji Limited, to boost internet connectivity for Va­nua Levu.

The project is a $4.14 million long-term investment by TFL to install underground optic fibre cables from Labasa to Savusavu.

The second phase would involve the laying of optic cables from Seaqaqa to Savusavu.

“People rely on access to telecom­munications as a human right,” he said.

Mr Kamikamica said optic fibre cable infrastructure would replace microwave links, for


“The microwave links for connec­tivity are prone to damage during natural disasters causing disrup­tions,” he said.

Infrastructure to further future developments

The move would encourage future developments in tourism, real es­tate and commercial businesses.

Telecom Fiji Limited chief execu­tive officer, Charles Goundar, said the development brought employ­ment opportunities for locals from Wailevu Village, Labasa, to Koro­vuli Village in Seaqaqa.

Divisional manager for the Gov­ernments Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Asenaca Niumatawalu, said the era of information sourc­ing and incorporation in the busi­ness landscape required effective internet connectivity.

 Story By:  Sampras Anand

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