Fiji the Fiji Islands
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Fiji Outrigger V6 Marathon Regatta Set For Saturday

The Nadi Bay Canoe Club and Vuda Canoe Club in part­nership with Fiji Outrigger, announced that is co-hosting the highly anticipated final V6 mara­thon regatta.

Members of the NBCC men’s team who will be part of tomorrow’s Fiji Outrigger V6 marathon regatta at the Wailoaloa Beach in Nadi. Photo: Fiji Outrigger

The Nadi Bay Canoe Club and Vuda Canoe Club in part­nership with Fiji Outrigger, announced that is co-hosting the highly anticipated final V6 mara­thon regatta.

The event will take place tomor­row at Wailoaloa Beach in Nadi, from 7am to 2pm.

Paddlers from Nausori, Suva, Nadi, and Vuda will gather for this exhilarating competition, engag­ing in an intense day of racing on pristine Wailoaloa waters.

With competitors hailing from various clubs around the country, this regatta promises to be an un­forgettable showcase of athleti­cism, skill, and camaraderie.

Club president, Leilani Tokalau­tawa, expressed her excitement for the event indicated: “We are in­credibly honoured to host the final V6 marathon regatta, bringing to­gether exceptional paddlers from different parts of the country.

“This event not only highlights our club’s dedication to promot­ing the sport of outrigger canoe­ing but also serves as a platform for our athletes to showcase their talents and prepare for prestigious international competitions.”

She said many participants would also be utilising this regatta as a crucial stepping stone towards the International Va’a Federation Distance World Championship, scheduled to take place in Samoa in August.

Additionally, the regatta serves as valuable preparation for the Honi­ara Pacific Games, in the Solomon Islands in November, where Team Fiji aims to make a strong impact and contend for medals.

The Nadi Bay Canoe Club in­vites residents and visitors alike to come and witness the extraor­dinary skills of paddlers as they navigate the challenging course at Wailoaloa Beach.

Spectators can expect an electri­fying atmosphere, filled with fierce competition, team spirit, and a cel­ebration of the rich Fijian sport­ing heritage.

Story By: Leone Cabenatabua

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