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Editorial: Bus Fare Increase Stirs Discontent

Editorial: Bus Fare Increase Stirs Discontent

If you were in the dark about the bus fare increase from yesterday, well the additional cents and dol­lars subtracted from your eTransport card will tell you: Now you know.

by ranoba baoa

Editorial: Bus Fare Increase Stirs Discontent

A commuter pays for his fare as he boards the bus at the Suva Bus Terminal on August 1, 2023. Photo: Ronald Kumar

If you were in the dark about the bus fare increase from yesterday, well the additional cents and dol­lars subtracted from your eTransport card will tell you: Now you know.

Imagine if you were like the couple who travelled from Naitasiri to Suva who had no choice but to do their relevant business in the Capital.

The news was probably like a slap across their faces.

It’s hard enough that consumers must cope with the 15 per cent increase in value added tax (VAT).

But this? Obviously, the relevant authorities failed in their part in conducting awareness programmes to let all consumers be prepared about the new bus fare increase and its logic – the operative word be­ing, all.

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