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Big Story: Idana Wins International World Teen Supermodel Title For Fiji

Ms Idana hopes that Fiji’s victory in securing its first crown will pave the way for the growth and expan- sion of the pageant industry in the country, encouraging more young women to compete in the future.

World Teen Supermodel winner Alisha Idana. Photo: Miss World supermodel production/Fotofusio

Alisha Idana has proudly put Fiji on the global stage by winning the prestigious World Teen Supermodel title in Tasmania, Australia.

This remarkable feat marks her as the first Fijian to achieve this title.

The 17-year-old from Nadi thanked the unwavering support of her family and friends through- out her modeling journey, especially to her parents, who have been her steadfast pillars of encouragement.

Adding to her triumph, Ms Idana also earned the Miss Congeniality title, a testament to her warm and approachable nature, as voted by her fellow contestants.

“It feels surreal, and I’m so honored to have brought this international title back home for Fiji. Every day was a different and exciting experience. I met amazing people and learned so many new things along the way,” Ms Idana said.

The Year 13 student at International School Nadi, has been pursuing her modeling career for the past four years. Her journey began with an audition for the National World Supermodel pageant, where she not only secured a spot among the final 10 contestants but also won the national title, granting her the chance to represent Fiji at the international pageant in Tasmania.

Her passion for modeling developed at a young age.

“Ever since I was eight years old, I watched runway videos and Next Top Model, and I just fell in love with the career and the opportunities that modeling presents.”

Apart from her studies, Ms Idana enjoys engaging in art and adventurous activities.

She now sets her sights on participating in the National Miss Earth pageant next year

She thanked Fiji National Pageant Director, Asvin Singh, and his team.

Ms Idana hopes that Fiji’s victory in securing its first crown will pave the way for the growth and expansion of the pageant industry in the country, encouraging more young women to compete in the future.