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Adi Finau: Hope For Positive Meeting

She said the significance of Government’s act of presenting traditional forgiveness to the chiefs and the church, as well as the church’s apology to the chiefs. 

The Soqosoqo Vakamarama iTaukei president Adi Finau Tabakaucoro at the Great Council of Chiefs meeting in Bau Island on May 24, 2023. Photo: Leon Lord

The Soqosoqo Vakamarama iTaukei president Adi Finau Tabakaucoro is hoping of a positive and non-controversial meeting. Reflecting on the future of Fiji was key, she said.

The 80-year old described the opening event as brilliant, praising the speeches and the traditional protocol known as matanigasau, which were carried out in the iTaukei language, adding depth and meaning to the proceedings.

She said the significance of Government’s act of presenting traditional forgiveness to the chiefs and the church, as well as the church’s apology to the chiefs.

She said such events were rare.

Adi Finau has witnessed numerous governments throughout her lifetime, including the colonial government.

She said the meeting should focus on a collective vision for the future, rather than a platform for airing grievances.

Regarding the call for greater inclusivity within the GCC, Adi Finau said that it is a matter for the Council to decide.

Story by: [email protected]