Fiji the Fiji Islands
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135 HIV Cases In Central Division

Alarming HIV statistics showed a staggering increase of HIV cases in the central division in a span of a year alone.

The stats were released by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services in Fiji, in partnership with UNAIDS Fiji.

Out of the shocking 245 new cases of HIV diagnosed in 2022, 135 cases were recorded in the Central/Eastern division (55 per cent), 92 cases in the Western division (38 per cent), and 18 cases in the North (seven per cent).

Of these, adults constitute 94 per cent of the cases (231 cases), and children six per cent (14 cases).

Males were the most affected with 61 per cent (150 cases), followed by females with 36 per cent (88 cases), and transgender with three per cent (seven cases).

43 per cent of new cases were among individuals aged 20-29 years and 28 per cent are between 30-39 years.

Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Atonio Lalabalavu said the ministry was committed to fully addressing rising HIV cases in Fiji.

“Our commitment is reflected in the in- creased budget allocation and the strengthening of our HIV programs,” Dr Atonio said.

“However, the fight against HIV in Fiji is a shared responsibility, and we need families, communities, faith-based organizations, schools, community organizations, and development partners to all contribute to addressing this,” said Dr. Atonio Lalabalavu, Minister for Health and Medical Services Fiji.