South Africa
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Crime Index: Organised crime costs South Africa R155 Billion!

The latest 2023 Global Organised Crime Index (GOCI), painted a bleak picture about South Africa, suggesting that the currently has been turned into a mafia state.


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South African ranked seventh out of 193 countries and third in the continent mafia-style criminal networks.

The Democratic Alliance says it is appalled by the statistics and alleges that the weakening of law enforcement agencies by the ANC run government, has allow the country to become a safe haven for criminal syndicates.

The DA’s shadow minister of finance Dion George says that the Eskom mafia, illegal mining networks, wildlife syndicates, public infrastructure stripping networks, and the construction mafia.

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“The R155 billion is a conservative figure as it only reflects the direct costs incurred by the state or legitimate players in that specific sector as a result of the operations/activities of criminal networks”, says George.

  • Construction mafia- R17 billion
  • Infrastructure vandalism and arson (copper cable and rail track theft)- R47 billion
  • Eskom’s organised crime networks- R12 billion
  • Kidnapping and extortion syndicates -R146 million
  • Illicit economy (illegal drugs and guns) -R13.6 billion
  • Wildlife criminal syndicates (illegal abalone and rhino poaching)- R1.2 billion
  • Illegal mining networks (zama zamas)- R14 billion
  • Tender corruption costs R30 billion
  • The tobacco and cigarettes mafia- R20 million

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The shadow minister says that law enforcement agencies should these criminal activities should be categorised as national priority crimes.

“Law enforcement incapacity is precisely why criminal networks, also emboldened by the alleged involvement of high ranking politicians, have become brazen and are practically holding the state to ransom”, he quips.