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Zanu PF Manicaland revels in President’s victory

Zanu PF Manicaland revels in President’s victory

Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter

Zanu PF Manicaland province says it is happy with President Mnangagwa’s continued leadership following his inauguration and will remain focused in ensuring that the pledges, commitment and life changing projects embarked in the province were realised.

In a statement, provincial secretary for information and publicity, Cde Sam Matema said the province remained united and had since put their hands on the developmental deck as it compliments President Mnangagwa’s work in line with his mantra, ‘Zimbabwe is Open for Business’ which leaves no one or place behind.

“The inauguration of His Excellency President Mnangagwa for his second Presidential Term puts paid to presidential pretenders and all the attendant noises associated and consistent with elections. As we celebrate the successful inauguration and as we send our congratulatory message to our leader,

President Mnangagwa, and the people of Manicaland province it is about time that we all come together, hands on the deck, shoulder to the wheel and work for the greater good,” said Cde Matema who is Buhera Central Member of Parliament elect.

“The promises, pledges, and commitment that we made, underpinned on a unique and effective election manifesto of the work that was already in motion, should spur us to do more and better, delivering the Manicaland province we want as a collective, leaving no one and no place behind. “

He said the province remained focused and will not be distracted in their quest to achieve their goals.

“As a provincial executive, we remain focussed on the work ahead, and we appeal to everyone of us not to be distracted and derailed by those who would divide us from doing that which will put our province on a profitable footing.” He said.