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Zanu PF gains more ground in Harare

Joseph Madzimure

Zimpapers Election Desk

As the ruling ZANU PF’s support continues to rise, it fished from the opposition pond and reclaimed four constituencies in Harare namely Harare South, Hunyani, Mbare and Epworth South.

And for Harare City Council, Zanu PF grabbed five wards as opposed to one in 2018, when it won Ward 4 in Mbare.

Zanu PF Harare Province held a Provincial Coordinating Committee meeting to congratulate the party and President Mnangagwa following the resounding victory in the harmonised elections held last week.

The province sent congratulatory messages to President Mnangagwa, who won the presidential elections with 2 350 711 votes (52,6 percent), beating his nearest challenger, CCC’s Mr Nelson Chamisa, who got 1 967 343 (44 percent) of the total votes cast.

Zanu PF Harare provincial chairman Cde Godwills Masimirembwa said they were looking forward to President Mnangagwa continuing to work towards national development.

“We held a PCC meeting to congratulate His Excellency President Mnangagwa on his emphatic victory against CCC in particular and the other political opposition political parties,” said Cde Masimirembwa.

“As Harare Province we are extremely happy and excited as we look forward to the President continuing with his developmental trajectory for the benefit of the people of Zimbabwe,” he said.

“It was a joyous occasion for the province for us to say to the President ‘thank you for your astute leadership. Thank you for your visionary leadership. Thank you for the works of your hands, they have taken us so far and they will continue to take us to Vision 2030’.

“We want to thank President Mnangagwa for the works that he has done in Harare Province. The interventions of the Government in respect of the shoddy work that was being done by the City of Harare.

“Government came in handy to ensure refuse collection was undertaken by EMA, and borehole drilling to alleviate the water shortages, interventions in respect of roads maintenance and construction through the various programmes involving the Government itself and Zinara.”

A lot of activities are taking place in Harare, including the revival of industries, the signature projects such as the expansion of Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, the New Parliament Building among others.

“It was through the works of President Mnangagwa and in quite a number of constituencies such as Mabvuku-Tafara, Epworth North, Chitungwiza North, Hatcliffe and Churu, the margins which we lost were very narrow.

“We have increased our voter turnout in respect of most constituencies in Harare,” he said. Going forward, he said the province was hopeful that Zanu PF will continue to gain more ground and win more seats.

Cde Masimirembwa commended voters for rejecting the CCC in both local authority and parliamentary seats.

The Government is expected to attend to the various challenges faced by Mbare residents, and also work towards the re-opening of Mupedzanhamo, construction of flea markets at Shawasha grounds, revamping of old houses and the provision of services in and around Mbare, in the spirit of leaving no one and no place behind.“What we are looking forward to in respect of Harare is that the issue of title deeds will be addressed and should be a thing of the past by the time we get to 2030.

“Places like Epworth received title deeds and Harare South will come on board with all the residential areas set to get title deeds by 2030,” he said.

“It is now time for the people of Harare to wake up and smell the coffee and note that the opposition has no capacity to improve their livelihoods.”