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War vets revel in President win

Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Minister Chris Mutsvangwa (centre) addresses a press conference flanked by his deputy Cde Monica Mavhunga (left) and ZNLWVA acting spokesperson Cde Sam Parirenyatwa in Harare yesterday. — Picture: Nicholas Bakili

Joseph Madzimure

Senior Reporter

THE just-ended harmonised elections held in August this year were run under the auspices of the Zimbabwean constitution which says the winner takes all and only the winner can engage whoever he wants, chairman of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA), Cde Christopher Mutsvangwa, has said.

The Zanu PF President and First Secretary Cde Mnangagwa romped to victory with 2 350 111 votes, representing 52,6 percent ahead of CCC leader Mr Nelson Chamisa who garnered 1 967 343 votes, translating to 44 percent.

Responding to questions from the media on the prospects of dialogue between the ruling party Zanu PF and CCC, Cde Mutsvangwa said the winner will call the shots.

The ZNLWVA national executive committee held a meeting in Harare yesterday to come up with a roadmap for their elective congress and other related business.

“We have a Constitution in Zimbabwe coming from 2013, which was a product of political parties in Zimbabwe including two major political parties Zanu PF and MDC-T, now Citizen Coalition for Change.

“The elections were run under the auspices of the Zimbabwean Constitution and it says the winners take all. That’s what we achieved as Zanu PF, so the will of the people is expressed in the outcome of the election.

“The beauty about it is that CCC now, where they won, they are very happy, they are in Parliament, they are in local authorities, they are celebrating their win. They are only contesting where they did not win. You can’t have your cake and eat it at the same time,” said Cde Mutsvangwa.

Cde Mutsvangwa, who is also the War Veterans Minister, said the outcome of the results stands.

“He (President Mnangagwa) has no obligation to have a dialogue, the constitution does not say if you win you must have a dialogue, no, it says if you win you must rule. We are very happy that the President is now ruling, because he won. Those who are trying to look and make this country on continuous mark time for elections, there is no time for that,” said Cde Mutsvangwa.

ZNWVA acting spokesperson Cde Samuel Parirenyatwa also appreciated and congratulated Zimbabwe for holding, free, fair and peaceful elections.

“Your re-election to this noble and powerful post for another 5-year term reflects the trust and confidence the state and the Zimbabwean people vest in your competent leadership as supported by your exceptional performance during the previous 5-year term. You have our best and sincere support as you continue your developmental trajectory pursuant to vision 2030,” said Cde Parirenyatwa.