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Ongoing operation “Tame the Traffic Jungle” leads to over 40 000 arrests

Ongoing operation “Tame the Traffic Jungle” leads to over 40 000 arrests

Kudzai Gaveni, Online Writer

 OVER 1 000 were impounded, and a total of 40 727 arrests were made under the ongoing operation “Tame the Traffic Jungle.”

 The operation, which was launched on 12 September 2023 is a partnership between police and local authorities.

 Other stakeholders involved in the blitz aimed at ensuring that vehicle owners comply with the requirements of the law include the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe, the Vehicle Inspectorate Department, the Insurance Council of Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe National Roads Administration, and the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority

 In a statement, national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the operation comes in the wake of lawlessness on the roads, particularly in major cities and towns where some drivers are now flouting road traffic rules.

 “A total of 40 727 arrests have been effected during the ongoing operation, “Tame the Traffic Jungle,” 1 162 arrests have been made on vehicles without route permits while 13 886 arrests have been made on illegal pirate taxis (mushikashika). Three hundred and thiry-six motorists have been arrested for reckless driving, while 2 781 people have been arrested for touting. Meanwhile, 1 003 vehicles have been impounded for moving on the roads with no registration plates,” said Asst Comm Nyathi.

 Asst Com Nyathi said they are also concerned with the reckless conduct by pirate vehicles, mushikashika, and some registered kombis who are carrying passengers from undesignated points in violation of the country’s laws.

 “Licensed public service vehicles are contributing to the chaos and congestion by loading and unloading passengers at undesignated points and openly endangering the lives of the public through reckless conduct at controlled road intersections and traffic lights,” he said.