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Gokwe Hospital receives ambulance, some face lift

Freedom Mupanedemo

Midlands Bureau

Government has continued to register major developmental achievements on the health front with Gokwe District Hospital being the latest to get a facelift.

The maternity wing, theatre and mortuary have been refurbished while an incinerator has been set up using devolution funds.

A major refferal hospital for Gokwe North and South the institution is also now on solar power as a back up to power from the national grid and has taken delivery of a new all terrain ambulance.

Guaranteed power supplies have brought relief to the entire community as people were being forced to quickly bury deceased relatives to avoid body decompositions.

Acting Midlands provincial medical director, Dr Reginald Mhene said devolution funds were changing communities for the better. Mr Tranos Tazviwana, a resident of Gokwe, hailed the developments at the hospital.

“It’s a great milestone for us here in Gokwe. We used to face some serious challenges especially on emergencies.

“We now have an ambulance. Previously scotch carts were our ambulances here and some patients would die on their way to hospital,” he said.

Mrs Linette Moyo said she once delivered a baby while on her way to the hospital.

“Health is a critical issue in everyday life. Today we witnessed the transformation of our own hospital for the better. We now have our own ambulance and a new look maternity ward. At one point I delivered a baby, my second born child, in an ox-drawn cart while coming to the hospital.

“The maternity ward and the theatre are very critical for some of us,” she said.

Dr Mhene said the non availability of an ambulance at the hospital was a major challenge.

“The absence of an ambulance was quite a big issue in Gokwe. Today, we are celebrating a major milestone thanks to Government’s intervention through the devolution agenda of developing communities,” he said.

Dr Mhene said a community could only develop when the residents were healthy.

“Health is a critical issue in everyday life. We witnessed the transformation of our own hospital for the better and we hope to improve our health delivery in Gokwe.

Minister of State for Midlands Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Cde Owen Ncube commissioned the new ambulance and refurbished wards at the hospital.

He said the Second Republic would continue initiating life changing projects in communities.

“Indeed the Second Republic, through our President, is changing lives in communities for the better in line with the World Health Organisation standards.

“Our aim is to eradicate poverty and uplift the lives of our people. We give priority to health delivery,” he said.