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1 070 households receive inputs in Marondera

Victor Maphosa

Mash East Bureau

About 1 070 households from Ward 15 in Marondera district yesterday received a full package each of inputs under the successful Pfumvudza/Intwasa programme, at the provincial launch programme officiated by the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Mashonaland East, Dr Aplonia Munzverengwi.

There was joy in Ward 15 as beneficiaries received the inputs, marking the provincial launch of the Government supported farming programme.

The successful launch was attended by Government officials, farmers as well as traditional leaders from the province.

Speaking after her tour of prepared plots from selected households in the same ward, Dr Munzverengwi urged more households to join the programme which she said has ensured food security at house hold level.

Dr Munzverengwi said it is important to give inputs to those who had prepared at least three plots, so that inputs would not be put to waste.

“President Mnangagwa loves everyone, hence the mantra ‘leaving no one and no place behind’, so let us also love one another. I am happy and let me thank you for your hard work as farmers. 

“The best Pfumvudza farmer comes from Mutoko, and the best Minister in Pfumvudza farming is from Mashonaland East, this is because of all of you, hard workers.

“Because of your hard work, the nation is food secure. This season, it is said we may receive normal to below normal rainfall, so, it means this concept will ensure food security even when we receive these low rainfalls. 

“We will never go hungry as long as we follow all the steps on Pfumvudza. Let me urge all community heads present to encourage people to prepare their plots. The President has already sent inputs to Grain Marketing Board depots and it is now to us to work on our fields. So these inputs should be given to you, so prepare your plots quickly,” she said.

Dr Munzverengwi went on to say there should never be corruption in the distribution of these inputs to beneficiaries.

She said everything should be done in a transparent manner.

Dr Munzverengwi added that inputs towards Zunde raMambo should be distributed as soon as possible.

One of the beneficiaries of the programme Mrs Margaret Mutamba, who received inputs thanked President Mnangagwa for the inputs which they said came early.

She prepared five plots.

“We are thankful to the President for these inputs which came earlier. As a family, we joined Pfumvudza when it was introduced and we never starved from then. This programme has uplifted our livelihoods. 

“We are always getting bumper harvests, such that we sell the surplus. This is commendable and we give thanks to the President for remembering us. 

“We also thank the Extension officers for being on the ground, their patience and guidance at all times, their expertise has helped us to be food secure.”

Another beneficiary, Mr Mudzimuirema said they are ready to plant the seeds, as they had already finished preparations.

“We are just waiting for the rains. Our plots are ready, and today we received our inputs, so we are happy. All that we need to do is to work hard. This programme is commendable. We are food secure and that is what gives energy to even work harder.”