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Standards Agency seizes expired beer in Kitwe

The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA) has called on members of the public to avoid consuming unregulated beverages to safeguard their health.

ZCSA head of communications, Brian Hatyoka, said members of the public should exercise caution and avoid consuming unregulated beer.

Mr. Hatyooka said this in a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka following the seizure of 126 bottles of expired clear beer valued at K2, 100 from Leo’s Pub and Grill in Kitwe on Wednesday after a tip off from members of the public.

He said the beer in question was being sold contrary to the law on clear beer specification.

Mr. Hatyoka said the spirits expired on June 29, 2023 but was still being sold to unsuspecting members of the public contrary to the Compulsory Standards Act No. 3 of 2017.

The Agency has since warned liquor stores and entities stocking beer against supplying products that may put the health and safety of consumers at risk.

Mr. Hatyoka commended members of the public in Kitwe that alerted the Agency on the expired beer.

The Agency hosted a roadshow at Chisokone market in Kitwe on Wednesday to sensitize members of the public on the dangers of used undergarments and unregulated potable spirits.