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Fatal CBU accident victim discharged

Josephat Mwayamba, aged 22 , a Former Northern Technical College(NORTEC) Student who was amongst the two Copperbelt University(CBU) Students hit by a running Hilux  has been discharged from the Kitwe Teaching Hospital (KTH).

Copperbelt Police District Commissioner, Peacewell Mweemba confirmed in a statement with Lusaka Star.

Mr Mweemba added that Mr. Mwayamba was discharged yesterday, stating that the patients condition is stable

He further revealed that Esther Aponde, a driver aged 26 of Nkana West has been detained in police custody for the offence of causing death by dangerous driving contrary to C/O 161 of road traffic act number 11 of 2002, of the laws of Zambia.

“the two deceased CBU Engineering Students identified as Thabo Mumbi, third year and Bwalya Christian, a second year were buried on June, 29 2023,” Mr Mweemba revealed.

Meanwhile, the Zambia National Students Union(ZANASU), has received the death of the Two Engineering students from  CBU with great shock.

ZANASU National Chairperson, Cartwright Libanda said that the union did not anticipate such tragedy to occur as the traffic situation is not so complicated at the institution.

Mr. Libanda said that ZANASU is saddened to lose young promising students with potential to contribute to the country’s economy.

“As ZANASU we are sending our deepest condolences to the entire family, CBU student union, students and the country at large,” he added.
Mr. Libanda further urged Students across the country to mourn the deceased students with dignity, stating that rioting and rooting are not the best ways to express anger.

He called on all Student Unions to put measures in place  to halt such tragedy from happening in their campuses by engaging the Road Transport Safety Agency (RTSA).