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No Cyclone only Heavy Rain & Flood Warning

By Lagi Keresoma

APIA, SAMOA – 24 FEBRUARY 2023: Despite the current unstable weather conditions, the Meteorology Division has assured the public that there is no cyclone that is likely to hit Samoa soon.

The Assistant Chief Executive Officer of the Meteorology Division, Afaese Dr. Luteru Tauvale confirmed that there is no cyclone heading towards Samoa.

“There is no cyclone but we have issued warnings to residents in low lying areas of possible flooding from heavy rain,” said Afaese.

He said if heavy rains continue throughout the weekend, then moving to higher grounds is a must.

There is a possibility of landslides also and the public needs to heed the warnings. People should not wait for disaster to happen, but rather act now before it is too late especially residents of vulnerable areas.

He also said severe weather is slowly moving westward towards Savaii and away from Samoa.

Afaese and his team are hosting a delegation from the World Bank and he said the visit is timely for them to witness Samoa’s vulnerability to climate change especially when it comes to financial assistance.

Meanwhile a landslide at Taelefaga blocked motorists late this afternoon to remote Fagaloa Bay and the Land Transport Authority have warned motorists to take extra caution on the roads during heavy downpours and windy conditions.