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Eight Districts Receive $575,000 to Start their Development Projects

By Lagi Keresoma

APIA, SAMOA – 07 DECEMBER 2022: Eight districts have received $575,000 each to kick start their projects under the Government’s $1 million tala District Development Project.

This was confirmed by the Minister for Women, Community and Social Development, Leota Laki Lamositele Sio who said that 21 out of 51 districts have signed their Funding Agreements under the project.

Out of this 21 districts, 8 have received $575,000 having met the project guidelines and completed all required documentations and audit of the funds so far being allocated.

The project is managed by the newly established District Councils and oversees development projects initiated by the districts themselves to address their respective needs.

The project was initiated by the FAST Government last year in an effort to lift the social and economic development across the country by funding village based projects initiated by the people according to their needs.

Under the project, $1 million tala is allocated annually to each of the 51 districts for village based and initiated development projects. Initially, $200,000 tala was allocated to each of the 51 districts to build and set up their offices.

Then $150,000 was paid for the office operations and followed by the $575,000 instalment for actual projects. The balance will be paid if reporting and audits meet the project conditions and guidelines.

Lenatai million shake
Lenatai million shake

The Minister for Women, Community and Social Development, Leota Laki Lamositele Sio shakes hands with Lenata’i Victor Tamapua after signing the funding agreement for the Vaimauga 2.

The Minister also confirmed that all 51 districts have been paid their $200,000 instalment for the establishment of offices and recruitment of 13 Council members and 3 Office staff.

The project’s progress is in varying stages and 30 districts have yet to complete the first stage which is the establishment of the District Council and set up of the offices.

But 30 districts have yet to submit their audit reports, the 4 year Development Plan and Budget before they are eligible to sign the Funding Agreement for the rest of the funds.

The deadline for the 30 remaining districts is the end of this month.

1m Faleata 1
1m Faleata 1

Faleata 1 Member of Parliament, Manuleleua Paletasala in smiles after signing for his constituency.

Despite their initial opposition to the project, several Opposition MPs have had their constituencies organized in support of the project.

Member of Parliament for Satupaitea who is also the Chairman of the District Council, Lautafi Selafi Purcell has acknowledged the Government’s initiative.

“This is the second instalment paid to our district as we have complied with the first criteria, now with the second instalment, it is just a matter moving forward,” he said after signing the Funding Agreement on Tuesday.

He said his district’s Plan focuses on sustainable economic development.

“They are not new projects but the district was not able to implement them because of financial constraints,” he said.

He said that with this one million tala a year project, his district is now able to lay down its four year Development Plan and prioritize projects pertaining to their needs.

Safata 2 District Secretary, Sitauaniu Vili said her district did a survey on the kinds of projects their people wanted.

“The majority opted for agricultural and fisheries projects and also environmental tourism utilizing our unique mangroves and wetlands,” she said.

The districts that signed on Tuesday this week were:

Safata 2

Faleata 1


Aana Alofi 3

Aana Alofi 1

Aleipata Itupa I Luga

Vaisigano 1

Sagaga 2

Sagaga 4

Vaimauga 2
