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NHLANGANO – The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) has reached out to over 50 000 electorates, who registered to vote as of yesterday.

This was confirmed by EBC Communications Officer Mbonisi Bhembe yesterday. Bhembe stated that there were 50 059 people who had registered as of yesterday, which was day six of the registration exercise. He stated that they were encouraging people to call them to gatherings as they were able to reach out to more people that way. He, however, clarified that they were not assisting people to campaign, hence if the events they were called to had a potential element of campaigning, they reserved the right not to attend such.

“We had attended an inter-denominational church service at Mpolonjeni, where we were able to register a lot of people on Sunday,” he said. Bhembe was questioned on the additional voter registration kits in some stations like Nhlangano town and he stated that they were responding based on availability of resources and demand. He stated that where there was less demand; they would move the kits to where they were needed the most.