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MBABANE - The Minister of Finance, Neal Rijkenberg, has appointed new members of the Centre for Financial Inclusion Council.

This is according to the Legal Notice No.125 of 2023. The council will be led by David Myeni, who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sincephetelo Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (SMVAF). Some of the the responsibilities of the council will include  providing an oversight and support on the implementation of the National Financial Inclusion strategy; playing a supervisory role on the Financial Inclusion and Cluster Development (FINCLUDE+) project and the development of the Financial Inclusion Policy; ensuring the development of the National Financial Inclusion Policy.
As per the notice, the council shall carry out its functions for a period not exceeding three years, commencing from June 1, 2023. The members of the council shall be entitled to such allowances and, where applicable reimbursement of travelling expenses in accordance with the applicable finance circular.