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I was happy when I read an article from this publication about the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Law Society of Swaziland’s decision of ordering a lawyer, Machawe Dlamini, to pay an elderly widow the E380 000 balance that emanated from the sale of a farm. The tribunal’s decision was a victory for justice as it demonstrated that lawyers are not above the law and that those who commit acts of fraud will be held accountable for their actions.


The order was a welcomed relief for the elderly widow, who had been taken advantage of in the sale of her farm and was in desperate need of restitution. It is truly sad that a lawyer who is supposed to be an upholder of the law and an advocate of justice could be found guilty of such an egregious breach of trust. This serves as a reminder to all emaSwati that no profession is immune of unethical behaviour and that no one must be allowed to disregard the values of justice.


So it is gratifying to see that the Law Society of the kingdom has ensured that such behaviour will not go unpunished. The action of the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Law Society of Swaziland, of removing the dishonest lawyer from the lawyers’ roll, has sent a strong message that unethical behaviour will not be tolerated.


This is a big step into ensuring integrity in the legal profession. It is our hope that this case will serve as a deterrent to lawyers who were contemplating swindling their clients.