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As a nation we constantly find ourselves in mourning over the brutal murder of innocent individuals and children. We reel in shock at all the horrible events that seem to overwhelm us on a daily basis. We profess to be a democracy, but the sad reality is that we are living under siege. The violence and murders we are grimly witnessing on a daily basis have prompted serious soul-searching as this escalating menace is now pervasive in the kingdom. Violent crime accompanied by death in our beleaguered country cannot continue without drastic consequences for the perpetrators. Law and order has collapsed and the law abiding masses have no right to their lives and properties.

These ruthless criminals terrorise our society, deprive us of our livelihoods and snatch our God-given rights to life and liberty. How long are law-abiding citizens going to live every day in the shadows of fear and intimidation by criminals? Every person tends to value his or her life pre-eminently and every society must place a high value on preserving it. We are slowly being transformed into a nation of fear, where we cannot enjoy fundamental rights in peace. Violent crime has now become a hydra-headed monster nearly impossible to contain. We cannot allow murder and armed robberies to go on unchecked. This is lunacy. We must, as a community and as an embattled nation, stop the relentless push toward anarchy by reinforcing the rule of law.


We must always solemnly remember that today’s mourners can become tomorrow’s victims. The practice of taking human life has fearfully increased. These grim and ghastly deeds have shocked the collective conscience of society. Strong emotions of retribution are gathering momentum, because these criminal offences are committed in an extremely brutal and revolting manner. Our courts and the criminal justice system need to instill faith in society by adopting a zero-tolerance policy. Inaction will have a grave impact on our social order. Crime and deadly violence will remain at the doorsteps of our communities until and unless its roots are cut. We must always remember that human life is intrinsically valuable and sacrosanct.

F Araie