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GEGE – Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Themba Masuku has urged the nation to guard against people with the character of the biblical Jonah, as they prepare for the upcoming general elections.

According to the Bible, Jonah was a man whom God sent to Ninevah to warn the people about their imminent peril but decided to go to Tarshishi.  With this statement, Masuku was making reference to the people who will contest a seat in the 12th Parliament. He said elections were not new as they started in the ancient times. He stated that elections were done for a purpose and were limited to certain individuals. However, he said it came a time when nations including Eswatini came up with their own constitutions to govern elections. “Our Constitution is clear on why we elect people into Parliament. It is also clear about the roles of the elected individuals once they assume their duties,” he said.

Masuku urged members of the church to elect sound candidates who would contribute to the country’s development as opposed to those who would focuse on the negatives. “Khetsani bantfu lenibatiko kutsi bacotfo emmangweni hhayi lumayemaye. Ukhandze kutsi umuntfu utalise lonkhe live futsi akanaki bantfwana,” he said in vernacular closely translating to: “Elect people with integrity, not troublemakers. For example, you cannot elect a person who sleeps around with women without taking responsibility of his children.” He also made an example about the events which took place in the 11th Parliament, which he said was divided into three after certain individuals had their own agenda within the House.

Without mentioning names, he said the individuals left other Members of parliament (MPs) inside the House and started announcing violence outside. He told the congregants to ensure that they elect people who would represent them with integrity as opposed to those who fabricated stories on behalf of their constituents to suit their agenda. Masuku said anything said by constituents should be backed up by minutes from meetings.


“There is absolutely nothing wrong about having differing views but the Constitution requires that MPs should raise motions to be debated in the House for whatever outcome as opposed to announcing violence outside. I hope you all know that the country was in flames just because some people decided to announce violence. I hope you are all aware of the consequences of the violence. Investors closed down their businesses and never returned, resulting in huge job losses,” he said. The politician stated that violence started on May 17, 2021 before it escalated on June 29, 2021. This, he said, was after some MPs took advantage and continued to accuse police officers of negligence after the death of Thabani Nkomonye, who died in a car accident.

Masuku said emaSwati could prevent the repeat of the unrest by electing the right people to Parliament. He also thanked the House of Prayer countrywide for joining hands in praying for the end of the unrest and COVID-19 pandemic. He said the country would have not survived from the unrest and COVID-19 pandemic. The DPM was accompanied by the League of Churches President, Bishop Samson Hlatjwako, Gege MP Musa Kunene and Zombodze Emuva MP Bhekani Muzi Kunene at the event.