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It is agonising and heartbreaking to be a poor child in Eswatini. You endeavour with everything you have to liberate yourself from poverty but there are forces that make sure you will not succeed. These forces are the individuals who make sure they get everything they want. I want to say to those who are living in poverty, cry so loud such that they can hear your whining and let your tears be a great river, so that they can taste how bitter your tears are. Deep down in my heart I do believe that we will be liberated from poverty one day.


They have been preaching to us that education is the key to success, but they make it impossible for some of us, who are poor, to gain education. They don’t care how much money has been invested in your education, they just reject you. Yet some of us want to work in our own country and make it a better place for everyone who lives in it. Education is very expensive and some of us have been financing our education through working as garden boys, house helpers, baby-sitters and selling vegetables after school. We are doing this so that we don’t become a burden to government but contribute to the future of our beautiful kingdom.


But when it comes to going to universities and colleges one has to pay a lot of money just for applying and as a result some orphaned and vulnerable children end up not going to universities because they don’t have money to apply. No explanation can justify this. What about those who lost their parents and stay with their unemployed grandparents?


Many have resorted to becoming criminals because they were rejected by their own country. Some of them didn’t have money to apply at universities. This is wasting a lot of money for our government because it has to arrest and prosecute them for petty crimes. Let us not judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, because it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. While pupils may be a minority percentage of our population, they are 100 per cent the future, so let us attend to their needs.