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SITEKI – A Gospel artist who worships at All Nations Christian Church in Zion in Ezulwini, was yesterday morning arrested at his home in Mpaka, in connection with the alleged theft of furniture at a church situated in the same area.

According to a source close to the matter, the renowned artist was apprehended by police from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) from Siteki Police Station in the early hours of yesterday.The source confided that the popular singer then led the police to Manzini yesterday morning, where some of the stolen items were allegedly found.The identity of the artist will not be disclosed for now as the suspect is yet to appear at the Siteki Magistrates Court this morning.The artist is currently in custody at the Siteki Police Station.The stolen items include  a carpet, chairs and a table, all valued at E2 500.The source further shared that the police were still conducting investigations, as the artist had been linked with other activities that surfaced during their course of investigation.“The arrested suspect is a Gospel artist and has been singing in shows hosted by the church. He has also been hosting shows countrywide,” alleged the source.

The source further claimed that the artist had refuted having committed the crime when confronted by residents while conducting their investigations after receiving a tip-off.“At first, he refuted having committed the crime but he then cooperated when police interrogated him this morning, hence he led them to where the items were in Manzini,” claimed the source.
Malindza Bucopho Albert Seven Days Tsabedze said he knew the artist but he had not yet been informed about the matter. “I know him but I am still to conduct my own investigations as I am not aware that he (allegedly) committed the crime,” he said.All Nations Senior Pastor Phaphi Bhiya said he received a call from the artist informing him about his arrest.


Bhiya said he was yet to inform the church’s President Archbishop Bheki Lukhele about the latest developments.“It is true that he has been arrested. He called me this morning to communicate about the arrest. He briefly said he has been arrested in connection with items he bought. I am yet to contact and inform the president about the matter,” he said.
Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati said a 39-year-old man had been arrested in connection with housebreaking. In another matter regarding theft at a church, last week, Gogo Nxumalo of Unity Church situated at Mayaluka in Big Bend, reported a case of theft of electric cables and speakers.“We believe the police will do their work and apprehend the culprits to face the law. People are now heartless in that they have the guts and audacity to break into a church and steal. We grew up respecting a church as it is regarded as a place of God, but what is happening nowadays is disgusting,” she said.