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Ruling Party Chairman, Mulbah Morlu’s LD12M To Bong Market Women Backfires

Ruling CDC National Chairman, Mulbah Morlu

Recent donation of cash in the amount of twelfth Million Liberian Dollars to the women of the Bong County Marketing Association by the Chairman of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Mulbah K. Morlu has backfired.

According to state radio Bong County Correspondent, the money which was presented to the women did not reportedly reach them, but rather landed in the hands of local party officials, a situation that reportedly angered the women, noting that if the issue is not settled, they will boycott electing President George Weah during upcoming October 10 polls.

Speaking further on the issue, the ELBC Correspondent also revealed that the Superintendent of the county, Esther Walker when contacted said she will be speaking on the issue at a later date.

However, the women in their numbers have publicly have vowed not vote for President Weah if the money issues are not resolved by bringing those officials allegedly to the money saga are brought to book.

Amid the delay of the payment of salaries for government employees, there are reports that senior government officials are releasing millions of Liberians Dollars to voters ahead of the 2023 general and presidential elections scheduled for October 10, when the CDC-led government of President Weah is seeking for another six years term.

Some political analysts who spoke to the GNN via mobile phone condemned the action of these officials for not having the interest of the majority, many of whom are civil servants, but rather only care for themselves.

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