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President Weah’s Expected Meeting With CIA Boss Opens More Ears

President George M. Weah

The Liberian leader, George M. Weah, who was invited early this year by the Director of the of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), William J. Burns to visit the headquarters in Virginia, United States of America, has finally arrived in the United States.

With this called visit of President Weah by the CIA boss pondered many Liberians as to what gave reason to this visit, amid the release by the U.S. Department of State on Liberia’s 2022 human rights report early this week by the United States Embassy accredited near Monrovia.

 On January 9, 2023, the CIA Director was honorably escorted to the President by top security officials of the government, including the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), J. Henric Pearson, and the Minister of Justice, Cllr. Frank Musah Dean made a rare visit as a guest of President Weah and held a closed-door confidential meeting with the Liberian Leader.

However, what was discussed in the meeting with the President was considered as ‘Classified, but analysts who spoke to the GNN after the meeting with the President said Director Burns praised the workings of the security sector of Liberia, mainly the intelligence arm. 

Burns is the most senior US government official to visit Liberia since the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) took over the helm of power in 2018.CIA Director, William J. Burns. President Weah is the first Liberian President to ever be officially invited to the CIA headquarters

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