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EFF-Liberia Condemns Gov’t To Deny Its Political Leader Access To Farmington River Declaration

Press Release

The National Revolutionary Youth Command of the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia condemns the government’s action yesterday to deny the political leader and members of the EFFL access to the Farmington River Declaration that was intended for all registered as well as legitimate Political Parties in Liberia.

Comrades and compatriots, the over three million young people of Liberia, our despondent suffering masses who are victims of poverty and destitution, the revolutionary National Youth Command of the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia—EFFL brings you warm greetings from the citadel of consciousness and enlightenment.

The EFFL-YC vehemently condemns the attack on delegates yesterday April 4, 2023, by State’s Securities which was orchestrated by the government of Liberia, in an attempt to frighten the uncompromising stance of the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia—EFFL. The selective position of government actors yesterday undermined the essence of the Farmington River Declaration and rendered such a declaration as nothing reasonable in realizing its significance. We want to register to the Liberian people and the World that if anything happened to a single leader of our party, Mr.Weah will be held liable as the chief script to these plans. Our democracy remains a plaything to this ex-soccer dolt who came to the presidency on historical contradiction and now sees himself as a demagogue and tyrant.

Fellow Liberians, the government of Liberia is yet again bent on the deprivation of major opposition political parties, especially the EFFL which has been very critical of recent and vigorous in exposing the failed economic policies as well as administrative knocks of this Weah-led government, from exercising their political franchise. The incident viewed yesterday was a very clear demonstration that the government is determined to override the mandates and methods of the National Election Commission-NEC in effectuating the task of delivering free and fair elections in our country. The Youth Command regards yesterday’s declaration as useless as it didn’t incorporate the whole of political parties that were designated.

Let it be made clear that the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia—EFFL because of her role and accreditation as a registered Political Party, was officially invited by the National Election Commission—NEC and in the communication were given several measures and nothing restricted party’s identity as mode of dress code suitable for such an event. The EFFL as a law-abiding institution, adhered to all necessary requirements without contravening a single provision but unfortunately, the abuse of power was vividly being seen as the political leader and members of EFFL were unconstitutionally and unethically denied access to the Hall for the simple fact of being in regalias which depict an overall representation of our dear institution.

Such nonsensical justification was denied by the commissioners of NEC who instructed the CDC police to allow the EFFL in but was consistently opposed because of the involvement and mandate of the CDC not to permit us. We see the growing clown of dictatorship under this CDC regime. These historical misfits who are bereft of a basic understanding of government and how a country runs are the ones trying to impose their rule on the Liberian people who are victims of their massive corruption and misrepresentation.

This should claim the attention of the international community, particularly the US Embassy near Monrovia, The United Nations, and others locals and international partners, that these situations are recipes for disasters and instability. Our country’s history which saw 14 years of civil madness was rooted in the above conditions. The revolutionary National Youth Command of the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia—EFFL, will not hesitate to move into history in line with our constitutional rights if these unconstitutional and irresponsible attacks continue to be carried out against members and leaders of EFFL.

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