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Did CIA Interrogate President Weah At Its Headquarters?

CIA Boss, William J. Burns

Liberians are anxiously pondering over the United States owned Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to invite the Liberian leader, President George Manneh Weah at its headquarters in Langley, Virginia, the United States.

This is the very first time for a sitting president of a country to be invited by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to its headquarters.

However, unconfirmed reports been flooded social media and other outlets have revealed that the Liberian leader, President George Manneh Weah who is currently in the United States as a visitor of the Director of the CIA, William J. Burns in the United States have been questioned by authorities at the CIA regarding several allegations.

According to the unfirmed report, with the help of Israeli Mozart, the CIA is reportedly investigating the Liberian leader in connection to his alleged involvement in Money laundering, drug trafficking, extrajudicial killings in Liberia, and massive corruption.

Effort by the GNN to verify such information been circulated on social media and other outlets proved unsuccessful, but some officials traveling with the Liberian Chief Executive has publicly rubbished the report, noting that such news is false and misleading.

But the report which is being published quoting one Israeli Morzat has established a trail of corroborated evidence that miscreant Lebanese businessmen in Liberia with ties to the Liberian President are funding Hezbollah and other terrorist groups in the Middle East from revenue generated from businesses they are doing in Liberia.

The Mozart has documented irrefutable proofs indicating how billions of terrorist funding/cash is flown on private jets to Liberia with the knowledge of President Weah and his security forces to these unscrupulous Lebanese businessmen.

According to Mozart, when the money arrives in Liberia, it is immediately invested into massive business ventures and purified into legitimate money over time. From these shady investments, millions are transferred to Arab banks in the Middle East every month and subsequently used to fund Hezbollah and affiliate terrorist networks in the Arabia Gulf.

In their briefing referrals to the CIA, the Israeli Mozart, one of the world’s most sophisticated and credible security agencies that partner with the CIA and British MI5 and MI6 uncovered that these egregious transactions have been taking place for well over four years and counting in Liberia. President Weah and henchmen are said to be netting millions in rewards from these criminal networks. President Weah has been investing his share of this dirty money into housing properties in Dubai, Morroco, and Senegal, according to our sources.

These notorious Lebanese businessmen are running large investments in Liberia with dominance in rice and food supplies, petroleum products, building and road construction, automobile, and building materials as well as buying and shaping Liberian diamonds and gold at a large scale. A known Lebanese businessman identified as “Bettar” involved with the largest construction business in Liberia is a leading Hezbollah operative and has long-standing ties with President Weah, sources have hinted.

Under the rule of President Weah, Liberia has also become a major drug transit point with billions of dollars of different drug substances transiting Liberia every year with the acquiescence of Liberian Security Forces. The U.S. Drug Agency has compiled a boatload of reports on drug transactions in Liberia at a higher level with evidence indicating the aiding and abetting of influential state security officers, the sources hinted.

Considering the gravity of these allegations and the legal implications they present in the context of international law, the CIA requested President Weah to be accompanied by his Justice Minister and key officials of his government.

The CIA is also looking into extrajudicial killings obtaining in Liberia and the violent attacks meted on students of the University of Liberia by officials of the ruling Party, Congress for Democratic Change, or CDC. The mysterious and gruesome killing of the four auditors and the growing concern of insecurity are high on the CIA line of questioning.

On the issue of corruption, President will be asked to explain the usage of the US$30M stimulus package against the fact that the purpose for which it was intended was not met. He will be questioned about the alleged embezzlement of the US$25m famous mop-up exercise which was placed under the supervision of his controversial Finance Minister Samuel Tweah who has also accompanied Weah to Langley. The pillaging of over US$75M in donor funding meant for Liberia’s appalling healthcare sector is also chronicled under the corruption inquiry.

GNN cannot publicly confirm said report, but has begun to independently launch its investigation as to the actual facts regarding this report.

Investigation continues

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