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Deputy Speaker Koffa Arrives In Home County With Colorful Welcome Ceremony

The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and Representative of District # 2, Grand Kru County, HonCllr J Fonati Koffa arrived in the county with thousands of ecstatic citizens on hand to welcome their lawmaker.

HonCllr. Koffa who is in the county to rally citizens for voters registration exercise in the county overwhelmingly received a huge crowds upon his arrival as songs, drumming and pro-slogans of the Deputy Speaker were heard throughout the principle streets of the county.

According to report from that southeastern county, huge supports of the Deputy Speaker were so high as many including the youth groups and the elderly were in high gear to register with the hope of casting their ballots during the upcoming October 10, 2023 general and presidential elections.

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Joel Cholo Brooks is a Liberian journalist who previously worked for several international news outlets including the BBC African Service. He is the CEO of the Global News Network which publishes two local weeklies, The Star and The GNN-Liberia Newspapers. He is a member of the Press Union Of Liberia (PUL) since 1986, and several other international organizations of journalists, and is currently contributing to the South Africa Broadcasting Corporation as Liberia Correspondent.