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Anti-Corruption Campaigners Escape Death

The Anti-corruption Campaigners and the political leader of Liberian People’s Party and its vice president including its auxiliary escaped death last Wednesday July 19, 2023 on Ashum Street, when a group of unknown persons attacked, throwing stones  at officials of the program.   

According to Cllr. Taiwan Saye Gongloe, the Broom Parade against corruption, noting  that the  parade is meant to show to the world that the Liberian people are against corruption because corruption has made life so unbearable in Liberia for a majority of the Liberian people.

He said the high level of corruption in government; most Liberian parents find it very difficult to feed their families, parents do not have money to send their children to school.

Meanwhile, Cllr. Gongloe said corruption, no government clinic or hospital has medicine and health workers do not have essential diagnostic equipment and supplies in order to save the lives of the Liberian people.

Yes, because of corruption people cannot move freely throughout the country due to bad roads. Even the president cannot easily move throughout the country beyond paved roads during the rainy season.

 The most affected part of the country when it comes to bad roads are South Eastern Liberia and Lofa County because the Government of Liberia has failed to put in place a mechanism for road maintenance due to corruption.

  According to him, corruption is now affecting the exchange rate between the US dollars and Liberian dollars and consequently, prices of essential commodities are going up, thereby increasing poverty all over Liberia.

He said Corruption scares local and foreign investors; therefore, it undermines the creation of jobs, nobody wants to put money in any economy that is controlled by a corrupt government.

Corruption hinders law enforcement, law interpretation and generally, undermines the rule of law.

Cllr. Gongloe   told that journalists that Corruption also makes it difficult for any government to implement any socioeconomic development policy, no matter how good the policy may be and thereby endangers individual and collective security in any society, as well as, increases poverty. Corruption is a crime that is conceived, planned and executed by corrupt politicians.

Meanwhile, the political leader of the Liberian People’s Party of corrupt politicians cannot be trusted with the people’s money just as monkeys cannot be trusted with ripe bananas.

He said corrupt politicians are appropriately described by Liberians as “money eaters”. Liberians must show to the world that they are opposed to any money eater holding public office anymore in Liberia. Government offices are not for money eaters, both the old money eaters and the new money eaters.

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