Antigua and Barbuda
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LETTER: Does Kelvin Shuggy Simon really stand a chance?

Dear Editor,

Interestingly, The first line of our national anthem which  begins with  ” Fair Antigua & Barbuda where land & sea makes beauty ” certainly depicts a true impression of our nation’s landscape.

However,  according to how politically charged our nation’s atmosphere is presently, jovially, I think that the word ” politics ” should be now added to make it “where land, sea & politics ” make beauty.

In my view Antigua’s politics is unique. It is very stimulating, very informative and very exciting.

The talk programs & debates on the different radio stations make it even more interesting.

There is not one dull moment listening to the radio personalities & the callers who call into to the talk programs to defend & share their views concerning  the political parties they support.

Presently, Kelvin Shuggy Simon vs Samantha Marshall is the hot topic of discussion.

The two are parliamentarians on opposite sides of the political divide and one is accusing the other of been illegally occupying a seat in parliament.

As a result, the case is now in the hands of the judiciary.

The outcome of the case will be interesting to note and moreso if instructions are given that the St. Mary’s South constituency needs to go back to the polls via a bi-election.

Interestingly, during the general election Shuggy defeated Samantha by 199 votes. Congrats to him!

However, according the records it shows that 628 persons did not vote. This lead up to three questions

1. Has Shuggy’s support reach its maximum limit?

2  are those persons who did not vote, Labour party supporters ? or

3. Are they indecisive persons sitting on the fence?

Obviously, it has been a proven fact that a very high percentage of the Labour Party supporters did not go out to vote due to the displeasure that some supporters had with the party.

From since then some damage control has been done.

The camaraderie is now in full gear and now the supporters of ABLP are in a much better mode.

It seems to me that they are ready to give their support once again to their party.

If this is the case then Shuggy can be in some serious trouble should a bi-election take place.

Clearly, his case in the court seems to be very weak so the chances of winning is slim to none.

This may very well be transcended to the polls during the bi-election should Samantha make that intimate connection with her constituents.

See also

Sadly, Shuggy’s political career may come to an end since he has violated the rules of the constitution. 

If the verdict goes in his favor then God is certainly on his side. I wish both individuals the best of luck!!


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