Antigua and Barbuda
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Bajans called to help children fight cancers Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The Childhood Health and Response Mission (CHaRM) and Optimist International Caribbean District (OICD), in collaboration with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) are trying to help patients with childhood cancers, but they need blood donors.

This community outreach projects of CHaRM is being endorsed by the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

As such, the Ministry is now urging members of the public to support the organised National Blood Donation Drive which will run every Saturday, from March 25 to April 22.

Persons are urged to ‘give blood to save lives’ by visiting the National Blood Collecting Centre, Ladymeade Gardens, Jemmotts Lane, St. Michael, during the donation period – 8am to 1pm Individuals may register to donate via the following link: (every 15 minutes there is a slot to register in the link).

Donors must be between 18 and 70 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds. They are also encouraged to hydrate from the day before and eat within an hour of giving blood. The meal should consist of more than fruit.

See also

CHaRM projects are aligned to the OICD Childhood Health and Wellness Programme.