Antigua and Barbuda
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Accidental Fire in Villa: Young Children’s Playful Flames Spread to Abandoned House

Contrary to media reports, a house in Villa was not intentionally set on fire by a group of young children. Instead, it seems that a fire they started got out of control and spread to the nearby abandoned building.

According to reports, an anonymous caller informed the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) that they had witnessed four young men setting fire to the vacant house around 9:15 a.m. on May 26. Firefighters from the St. John’s Fire Station promptly responded to the scene.

Upon arrival, the firefighters observed smoke damage on the eastern side of the house. However, the fire had already been extinguished by a group of volunteers.

Witnesses stated that at least four youths were seen igniting the house before fleeing when discovered.

Two of the suspects were reportedly apprehended, including an 11-year-old. A source revealed that the 16-year-old and the 11-year-old, who are siblings from Villa, explained to the police that they were attempting to light copper wire on a piece of galvanize with two other friends when the fire got out of control.

The teenager informed the police that some adults assisted in extinguishing the fire.

Fire officials inspected the house and observed smoke damage on a small section of the eastern side, along with burnt copper wire on a sheet of galvanize.

See also

Both minors were taken into police custody and subsequently released to their mother.

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